Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pathetic at blogging

Sigh... I am so pathetic.

This blog keeps on going into comas... haha.

Well, this is yet another effort to restart it. Mostly because I have somehow gotten myself a new student. I just couldn't bear to say no. Even though I don't really have the time with Zach having so many more therapies now and all 3 of my own kiddos being in Primary School next year, I couldn't say no to my friend B who's daughter Melody (not her real name) is in need for intervention.

Since Melody is a January "baby", I have recommended that mummy B contacts the Ed Psych to get an assessment soon.

So yes, I'm back on track, and hoping that taking the time to prepare Melody's lessons will get me going getting Stacey back on track... and even Zach, if we can fit it in between all his other interventions.

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