Monday, February 2, 2009

The Special Needs Officer (Dyslexia)...

Today, went down to Zachary's school to meet the Special Needs Officer (Dyslexia) aka SNOD, mainly to sign the forms for application for the exemption from Chinese. She was asking me if he had passed Chinese in previous years, to which I literally laughed out loud... and told her with a twinkle in my eye that he had never crossed the 40% mark...

She told me that if that was the case, then it was almost guaranteed that he would be able to get the approval for exemption... that there were cases of children who were even passing (albeit only in the low 50% range) who were also given the exemption approval.

So in a few weeks, Zach will officially be exempted from chinese exams from the rest of his life... much to my relief, as well as the relief of all his chinese teachers (and unbeknownst to all would-have-been-future-chinese-teachers) present and future... heh.

{I'm listening to my brood of 3 children being taught chinese using radicals by the children's chinese teacher. They build on the words adding parts, going from ren to da to tai and so on... amazing. How I wish they could just do this for tuition, instead of slogging over Spelling lists and such what nots. Ah well. I think the tutor did not know what she was taking on when she volunteered to have all 3 children join in... LOL.}

Anyway, I digress. The SNO told me that Zach would be taken out every Friday during the 3 period Chinese lesson to do a group session on Comprehension... something that he needs. I think he will enjoy himself... I hope... but probably anything is better than attending Chinese lessons... LOL. So here begins our journey as an officially diagnosed Dyslexic. : )

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